May 17, 2011

5/17/11: Crochet Thread Talk + Tip

Haven't been able to find a spare moment the last couple days. Farm planting is on full throttle right now, you see, and not much time is left for blog posting. I will be getting an afternoon free tomorrow so maybe I can catch up a bit and schedule some posts. I sure hope this will happen because I don't won't to miss a day! :)

Previously, I talked about how I store and organize my fabric and my sewing machine/serger. For today I will be sharing how I store my crochet thread.

Now not many crafters probably have balls upon balls of crochet thread in their stash, but this is most certainly the case with yours truly. When I started out in crochet I went down an unexpected route: I did thread crochet. Most beginners start with a J hook and worsted weight yarn but I began with small steel hooks and thread. The main cause for this was because the Yahoo! group I joined (Eri's Crocheting Circle) had many members that were passionate "threadies." Their enthusiasm rubbed off on me and I couldn't help making doilies and table runners. :)

This led to a large lot of balls and I needed a place to store them. So I made this:

Yeah, not much to see. But it transforms before your eyes when you add a few of these:

 These crochet thread holders of mine are simply 1x4's that I drilled holes into. I then added a dab of glue and inserted cut-to-sized dowels into the holes. The dowels are cut to three different lengths (small, medium, and long), so I can have a dowel the right length for the different sized balls I have.

Here's a tip for better organization and storage: Remove the ball's label, insert it into the core of the ball, and then place the ball in a plastic bag to protect it from dust. Keeping the label helps you remember which size the thread is and the bag is specially helpful when it comes to white thread!

P.S. Interesting wallpaper, no? That's my sewing room's nursery-themed wallpaper I talked about earlier! :)

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