May 18, 2011

5/18/11: Divine Design of Knitting

No, I will not be discussing Candace Olson of HGTV's Divine Design--even though her show is fun to watch--I am going to talk about one of my favorite knitwear designers: Ysolda S. Teague.

She is one inspiring designer for me, not only in her innovative and timeless sweaters, but also in how knitting is an integral part of her life. Most designers submit or self-publish their patterns on the side, but for Ysolda, it is a full time job and her main source of income.

Before knitting came along, Ysolda satisfied her crafting sweet tooth by sewing. I remember watching a video interview with her and her remark: "I contemplated about doing knitting again but I thought, why bother making your own fabric? You can buy fabric in any store and make clothing in a matter of hours instead of months like a sweater."

But when she entered college she needed something portable. She wanted to spend time with friends and keep her hands busy at the same time. Lugging around a sewing machine and fabric wasn't the answer, but knitting certainly fit the bill.

So that is how she got on the knitting "train" and it was this new sense of respect for the yarn and needle craft that led her to do something drastic. Well, sort of. One day she came upon the online knitting magazine Knitty and thought, "What a cute idea! I'll try submitting something." When it was accepted and other patterns of hers as well, she decided to do something else drastic, and this time it really was utterly drastic. She was going to support herself with her knitting.

So for the next few years she created these:

I think she took the right road!

And so what's the latest with Ysolda? Her latest book is being printed as I write! The future book's title is Little Red in the City and it will be available very soon. (Psst. You can pre-order!) So check out her website and her blog for future updates.

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