Jun 1, 2011

6/1/11: June Time Brings Crafting Time

The month of May started with this image:

And it also started with a goal in mind: to post daily throughout the entire month. Might be an easy task for some bloggers out there, but for me, it requires a good amount of time and motivation. That is why I am so happy and excited to announce that I have successfully posted every single day this past month and have done almost all I set out to do. I made tutorials, wrote interviews, talked about sewing, knitting, and crochet, and most recently, held a giveaway.

At the end of April, right before I set out to do this May-Every-Day adventure of mine, I said that finding topics to talk about wasn't the problem for me, time was. And as I gradually made my way through the 31 days of May, I realized that I was spot on. I really had lots to talk about but because some days I was really limited on time, I had to think of topics I could write about with ease and above all, quickly.

So there were days where I felt pressured into posting and I wasn't able to do a thorough job. There were so many other subjects I wanted to post but I knew I would take too long putting it altogether, so I just stuck with my 'quick-n-easy' post ideas.

Aside from all that, posting daily has helped me in many ways. Namely, learning that I am able to write faster than I first thought and how fun it can be. It also has helped me really think about what I am doing with my crafting. Such as the project spreadsheet I just created. I don't think I would have spent the time or effort forming it without the May-Every-Day enterprise.

On the other side, having to post everyday created a problem. A problem I didn't see coming. I noticed that I just plain did not sew or knit as much as before. Pre-May, most of my evenings were spent working on my projects but as I started May-Every-Day, those evening hours were spent writing.

So this is what led me to the decision I am about to make. If I know June around these parts (and I certainly do!), it will be hot, humid, and there will be long hours on the family farm. There will be less leisure time than there is now and I will be dog-tired in the evening. Oh gee, I am getting tired just thinking about it! :) That is why I think blog writing will be an off and on affair for June. I want to change my blogging time into crafting time so I can tackle that spreadsheet of mine.

June will not be full of posts to read, but I hope to create a lot of items to share with you all. And, perhaps, sneak in a few tutorials here and there. I've been daydreaming of a couple tutorials for a long time and I really want to share them. So keep an eye open!

So I guess the title June-Every-Day, a Month's Worth of Posts won't be suitable this time around, but how about this one?

Yeah, I think that will work just fine. Wish me a month filled with crafting fun and real progress that you and I have never seen before!

1 comment:

  1. Warm days and long bright evenings are just the right motivation to add to your wardrobe or sit in the shade with your handwork and iced tea!

    Enjoy your month :D
