Jun 8, 2011

6/8/11: Reupholstering a Stool

About a week has been spent without posting here on Art and Needlework. What a change from posting daily throughout the month of May!

Removing myself from the daily task of posting has created a lot of time for me to work on my project to-do-list. Just take a look at my spreadsheet:

Click image for closer view
Yellow = project deadline is near
Green = almost finished
and Blue = project DONE

Yep, in about a week's time I managed to do an alteration, mend, make a scarf, sew some fabric flowers, repair a tractor seat, and reupholster a stool cushion, which I will be talking about today.

So remember the stools I was talking about earlier? They looked something like this:

The base of the stools were in good shape but the cushions were tattered and faded. So after pulling out the 101 tacks that held the cushion fabric in place, I was able to create a spiffy new cushion for the farm stand.

So here it is:

Much better! What I really like about the cushion is the zipper I inserted. Now I will be able to remove the casing and wash it; a great feature to have at the farm with all the dirt and dust.

On the backside of the cushion I added four metal snaps so I can attach the cushion to a fabric covered piece of plywood that was screwed to the metal base. 

The finished cushion looks better than I thought it would. As I said before, I haven't done much home decor stuff in the past so making a cushion was something I wasn't jumping up and down about. But after finding how easy it is to record the measurements to make your pattern, I'm looking for more home furnishing projects I can do. 

There is one thing I would change with this cushion (and I will for the second stool I will be doing), and that is the snaps. They aren't easy to use so I am opting them out for some velcro. 

So that's what I've been crafting this June. What have you been up with? And what are your plans for the rest of the month?

1 comment:

  1. The cushions look great!! Nice job! I've been busy crafting this month too. I just finished a skirt that I will blog about tomorrow. I have many other projects on my list including purses.
