May 31, 2011

5/31/11: The Rosy Days of May Giveaway WINNERS!!

Catherine and I generated the two winners for our giveaway this morning on  And we are happy to announce...

AnneGirl is our First Place Winner!  You will be receiving the Silky Summer Scarf and the Rosy Chain Bracelet!

And the Second Place Winner is Amanda Sue!  You will be receiving the One Dozen Crocheted Roses and the Crocheted Rose Earrings!

We will be contacting both our winners today, so make sure you look in your inboxes!

And because a post cannot be a post without a photo... we leave you with an adorable photo of our kitty.  :)

1 comment:

  1. OH WOW!!! I can't believe it! :) :) Thank you ever so much! I'll be replying to your email within the hour.

    Thanks again for doing this fabulous giveaway. I'll be so honoured to wear the beautiful items!
