Jan 30, 2011

1/31/11: Retrospect

You know what I've been wanting to do for a long time? It is a 2010 list of FO's, WIP's, and UFO's, (Finished Objects, Works In Progress, and Unfinished Objects, respectively). I'm really interested in discovering the craft projects I started, finished, and/or laid to rest throughout the past year. So after putting my thinking cap on, this is what I've gathered together:

January 2010:

FO: Picked up my Liesl sweater that I started in Spring 2009. Took me a long time to get back to this project!

FO: Finished sewing a satin pajama set for my younger sister.

February 2010:

FO: Finished my long-awaited Liesl on Feb. 20!

UFO: Started a machine knitted sweater for my Papa. Had to lay it to rest because of lack of information regarding shaping. I really need to go back to this project in the future because I recently bought a book on this subject and I also received Hand-Manipulated Stitches for Machine Knitters this past Christmas. I should have the tools to succeed now.

March 2010:

UFO: Continued to work on Papa's sweater.

FO: Began and finished Lacy Leaf Earrings, a crochet pattern from Crochet Today. Made them for my sister to sell in her Etsy shop.

FO: Began to sew a skirt for my friend, Carianne, as a birthday gift. I decided to draft the sewing pattern myself, so it was a very interesting ride the whole way through!

April 2010:

FO: Finished Carianne's birthday skirt.

FO: Began to crochet my Sunny Spread afghan during this month.

May 2010:

FO: Busy crocheting my Sunny Spread.

June 2010:

FO: Finished the Sunny Spread afghan. What a momentous day that was!

FO: Quilted a binder cover for my step mom's recipe binder. It was a great practice piece to learn how to use my darning presser foot.

FO: A friend of ours had a baby in February so I started sewing a set of baby clothes for the new arrival. I used McCall's 2033 and Simplicity 2375.

July 2010:

FO: Finished sewing the baby clothes.

FO: Sewed some pajama pants for myself in black flannel. Used Simplicity 3571.

August 2010:

FO: Picked up the Mini Jean Jacket that I started crocheting in 2008. Was able to finish it during one of the hottest Summers on record. We own enough fans now to cool every room in the house. :)

FO: Sewed pajama pants for my older sister in a colorful flannel print.

FO: Made a pair of quilted potholders out of some fun, red fabric.

September 2010:

UFO: Started to sew a dress for my younger sister. Was using Vogue 9668. I laid down this project because I was confused by some fitting issues.

FO: Began a HUGE undertaking. I started knitting my Acorns sweater.

October 2010:

FO: Began and finished a pair of Cabled Mitts. I gave them to my step mom for her birthday.

FO: Kept knitting Acorns.

November 2010:

FO: Sewed a wool dress/jacket ensemble for my step mom as a wear-to-work option. I used Simplicity 4789.

FO: Sewed another dress/jacket ensemble for my step mom. This time I used a black/gray faille floral--lovely fabric! Used McCall's 9222 for this one.

FO: Kept knitting Acorns.

December 2010:

FO: Began and finished my second pair of Cabled Mitts. This time I chose to use a black wool yarn. Gave them to my step mom as a Christmas gift.

UFO: Started the Crepe dress but laid it aside because of alteration questions I have.

FO: Began and finished a machine knitted hat for my Papa as a Christmas gift. He kept on losing the one I made him before so he was in dire need of backup!

FO: Helped my sister Catherine sew a white, gabardine bolero for a Christmas gift for my older sister.

FO: Kept knitting Acorns.

Let's sneak in January 2011, shall we?

January 2011:

FO: On Jan. 17, the last stitch of my Acorns was knitted. I love this sweater--I am actually wearing it right now and its keeping me nice and cozy. Good thing too, its 14 degrees outside.

FO: Knitted a Pocket Bunny for Spencer our cat. It is his favorite toy now!

WIP: Currently, I am working on a satin PJ set for my older sister. I need to reserve a post for this project because there is a lot to share. Hope to type it up soon!

So it is now 2011. Ever since I was 12 or so I've been trying out a hodge podge of crafts. . . Be it polymer clay, watercolor painting, plastic canvas, fabric embroidery, quilting, needlepoint, rosary making, cross-stitch, pressed flowers, acrylic painting, basketry, and on and on it goes. To this day, though, three things have stuck with me: sewing, knitting, and crochet. They never seem to get dull, and really, the list of new things to learn about this trio never seems to get shorter.

It is these three types of needlework that I hope to really zone in on and try to learn as much as I can. I have a whole bunch of projects I want to do this year (some of which I mentioned in previous posts), but I must be honest with myself. I can't do everything and musn't try. In the past, I rushed certain steps just so I can finish the project and move on, but after reading Tasia's blog and a wonderful article in Threads magazine, I've come to realize that I should take it slow and savor the experience. I will feel much better about what I do and the completed article will shine with its even stitching, uniform hems, and perfect bound off edges. The best things are worth waiting for.

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