Feb 3, 2012

2/3/12: How to Make Crocheted Buttons and a Skirt Update

Have some major news to share! OK, maybe not real major to most people, but for me they represent multiple hours of work, pricked fingers, and learning new things. :)

First: I made a crafting how-to video. Yeah, have been wanting to give this one a go for more than a year! The video is called How to Crochet Buttons a Different Way and I show you how to crochet a cover to fit around buttons so you can use those mismatching buttons you have lurking in your stash. I have a rather large stash that is an accumulation of my grandmother, mother, sisters, and myself so it is no easy feat to find five look-alikes. 

The video was published by a website called FaveCrafts and they have already uploaded it to their YouTube channel. Check it out.

They also gave me the ability to upload the same video on my YT channel. So here's that link

Please subscribe to both channels to keep up to date on any new videos coming from me. I have so many other ideas to turn into videos and I can't wait to begin on #2. Stay tuned!

And for the second half of this post. . .

I made my sister's Audrey Hepburn skirt! :)

What, you don't remember? That could be caused by me not touching the topic for months and months. Back in May of last year I blogged about my scheme of using a Vogue dress (the popular 9968) and making it into a tapered pencil skirt to bring to life a fashion sketch my sister Bernadette drew. After becoming kind of burnt out over drafting and fitting this skirt I put it down and just didn't pick it up.

So along came January and a new mindset. I mentioned in my New Year's post that I wanted to take things slower and to savor the moment. This little goal of mine made me motivated to take out the Hepburn skirt, and the monstrous to-do-list that was attached, and to take it one step at a time. And to learn new things as well!

There was still more fitting issues to iron out, lots of decision making, and lots of research but I finally made it to the finish line and I am very proud of the garment's workmanship.

Are you dying to see it? Don't have any photos of it yet because I just stitched the last stitch last night. But as soon as the right moment and lighting come around I will get a few shots to share!

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