Jan 21, 2012

1/21/12: Cabled Earwarmer for Catherine

When I went on my little yarn shopping spree, I picked up some soft, soft cotton/wool yarn in a fresh blue color to make an earwarmer for my sister. The original pattern (Cabled Headband by Jennifer Hagan), called it a headband but it will definitely be suitable as an earwarmer as well. So I casted on with my Cascade Sierra in color 47 on size 7 needles and managed to finish it in just a couple days. A really fast knit! Maybe too fast. . . Wanted to keep making those cables again and again.

So here is how it turned out:

And here are some pics for the finer details:

I made a small alteration to the pattern to make a narrow earwarmer. I simply removed the two stitches on either side to make the stitch count 24 instead of 28. 

It really was an easy pattern. The only bump I ran into was the provisional crochet cast-on that was recommended in the pattern. Never did this kind of cast-on before so I jumped at the chance to try it out. It seemed easy enough to cast-on but when it came time to remove the crochet chain and sew the two ends together, well, let's just say I had to go in with a crochet hook to pick up some running stitches. I think it would be a good idea next time to knit one row plain right after I cast on, instead of going straight to the charted pattern. 

Seaming aside, this earwarmer was a pleasure to knit and Catherine really loves the yarn, the color, and the coziness. Gee, what a little bit of knitting can do!

Want to see more? Visit my Ravelry project page.

1 comment:

  1. This is so pretty Rebekah! And what a cute pattern! It makes me wish I could knit :-)
