Nov 6, 2011

11/6/11: What's Up Next

Hi everybody, it's me again. Yeah, I've been gone awhile, haven't I? Since the middle of summer, matter-of-fact, and not too proud to say it. The main culprit has been my sparse crafting drive over the last couple of months which usually leads to empty content when a crafting blog is involved.

But I am one hardcore sewist, knitter, and plain hands-on-person to have this last forever. I have plans for this upcoming winter and they will be unfolding over the span of this week and next week. Most I will post about but some have to be kept under wraps because particular special people shouldn't be the wiser. :) Its fun to be mysterious, I have to say!

I remember reading L. M. Montgomery's depiction of November: the gray and dismal month. Yes, it may be wanting in color with its usual overcast skies and lack of leaves but my way of life has always made it the month of laying of plans and learning new things. For me, the farming season is coming to a close here in Michigan and giving me more time to look into other interests and experimentation. And that is exactly what I am hoping to do!

Will be back here tomorrow to share more with you all!

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