Nov 8, 2011

11/7/11: Commissioned Crafting

For the rest of this fall and the soon onslaught of winter, I will be diving into the world of commissioned crafting, or in other words, handcrafted items made by me for a person who orders in advance. Sort of like Etsy's Alchemy feature that once was.

I have, from the very beginning, regarded my crafting exerts as hobbies and no more. But during the last couple years I have been looking at them in a different perspective; more as a business, you can say. The idea of selling what I create (be it through my Etsy shop or by commission), really sparks my interest and even though it will really begin to feel like "work" at times, I am excited about it.

So this past Sunday I placed an ad in the local shopper's guide for my services of custom knitting, sewing or crochet related items. As well as mending, such as zippers, buttons, and patches. I already have had some response through this ad (replacement of zippers to be exact!), so no made-to-order knitted cardigan or baby quilt has been assigned to me as of yet. But that, I believe, will be coming along shortly. My knitting needles are earnestly awaiting their cue! :)

If you or someone else is looking for me to knit, sew, crochet, or quilt an adult/child garment, accessory, or home decor item, email me at this address: artandneedlework at gmail dot com. I would be happy to help you out! Note: I will only be able to do mending for those who live in the Newaygo, Michigan area.

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