May 9, 2011

5/9/11: Off the Beaten Path

May 8 brought sunshine galore, warm temperatures with a refreshing breeze, and blooms. And blooms will be the subject of today, which is a path I don't often tread upon here at Art and Needlework. Sewing and knitting have been the main topics here since the beginning so I thought a temporary change for today will do me good. You can say that I am stopping to smell the roses. :)

The best place around these parts to get your spring-bloom fix is an enclosed garden my sister planted dedicated to the Virgin Mary. We call it the Marian Shrine. It is located near our house and it is there where you will find a million and one different plants, shrubs, and flowers; most of which you will be able to identify or pronounce. OK, I may be able to figure out the obvious ones--crocuses, daffodils, tulips, irises, etc.--but I have to ask the gardener for most of them!

So yesterday I took my camera along and took a few pics of what is currently blooming at the Shrine and I hope you enjoy the beauty of God's world:





Wood Poppy

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