May 8, 2011

5/8/11: Thoughts on Mother's Day

Today's May 8 and that means Mother's Day for 2011. When I started thinking about writing today's post I wondered if I could tie in Mother's Day somehow, and I decided to go along the route of how my own  mother played such a significant role in giving me such a fondness of crafts and needlework. So I will dedicate this one to her.

Now I could be wrong in saying it, but when I was growing up I didn't mind sitting down and working quietly for awhile. (Maybe I should ask my family about that!) But even though I had the ability to keep still and my mother sewed almost every day, I never really began sewing until I was fifteen. I did dabble in hand stitching and embroidery on and off but I never really pulled back my sleeves and did a real project. I've always regretted not spending time with my mom and learning from her before she passed away, but I know that if it wasn't for her dedication and enjoyment in making something with her own two hands, I don't think I would have conceived the idea of learning how to sew or knit.

I mean, if you think about it, how can you not think about knitting when you come across a box of needles left by her? Or a sewing machine, knitting machine, and a sewing room full of notions? Not one word was said by her on how to layout a sewing pattern or make a purl stitch, but I learned those anyway; indirectly because of her.

My mom was very talented in sewing and quilting, (Not too sure about knit and crochet, because she was held back by arthritis in the hands), and made everything from clothes for the family to top covers for the beds. What always comes to mind when I think of what she made, was the doll clothes and accessories she made my sisters' and my dolls. When my mom was growing up, she loved to play with her dolls--Shirley Temple, Tony, Silvia, Sue, and Imp were her favorites. I think that is why my sisters and I spent hours upon hours playing with her dolls and dolls of our own. One of the first purchases us girls made was to buy American Girl dolls. Felicity was mine. :)

{a drawing my sister did of my mother's five favorite dolls }

She was always very thoughtful when it came to our birthday gifts. I remember each birthday from the time I was six to when I was ten, by something she made for me. Such as my eighth birthday: she made me Raggedy Ann and Andy themed curtains. They were the cutest curtains you'll ever see! 

From what I gather, a good portion of today's sewers or knitters learned from their grandmother or mother at a young age. I am different in this regard for I learned when I was a teenager and I taught myself. I may not have sat down with my mom and had one-on-one time learning these handcrafts, but no one else could have motivated me as much as she did. She planted the seed and I did the cultivation. :)

What about you? How did you learn your craft, such as knitting and sewing? Did your mom teach you are did you pick it up by chance? Have you taught anyone a craft? 

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