May 23, 2011

5/23/11: Home is Where it's At

Give me dresses, pants, blouses, and every garment you can think of and I'll say, "Sure I can make that." But when it comes to home decor. . . I would rather grade a 1920s vintage dress pattern that is tattered to pieces. :)

So why do I find myself giving the brussel sprout face whenever home decor enters the conversation? I mean, it is mostly made up of squares, circles, and other geometric shapes, which would technically make it easier to measure than the curvy figure of a woman. Whatever the reason may be, I still find myself nervous when thinking of doing a slip cover, bed linens, and what not.


Which is this:

Haven't heard of it? Neither have I until yesterday. I was reading a sewing blog and happened to click on the Home4Sew link in that person's "favorite" list. What I found on the other side of that click has been on my mind ever since.

As it turns out, Sew4Home is a daily website (meaning, it is a blog turned website), that offers a wide variety of projects, tutorials, tips and resources, and glossary. . . And all of this is written specifically for the home. The only garment you're going to find is an apron at best.

The authors of the projects are truly thorough and like to include many step-by-step photos. They are also thorough by including everything you can imagine that is part of your home or regular day-to-day activities. See some examples here:

{desk set baskets}
{jazzy ironing board cover}
{ottoman slipcover}
{queen quilt fat quarter cut-up}
{sleepover pillowcase}
And all of these projects are available in PDF form so it makes for easy-peasy printing.

And tutorials, you ask? Yes, they have them, too! Take a look at the ones that caught my eye:

Gathering and Ruffles Made Easy
Bias Tape: How to Make It & Attach It
How to Measure for Curtains
Quick Tip: How to Tell If You Fabric is on Grain

So will a brussel sprout face break out as soon as the term "slip cover" comes along? Hm. . . Well, I don't think so anymore. I know that I will find everything I need to know at Sew4Home and, my goodness, who cannot feel motivated after seeing all those beautiful designs?

What about you? Do you find home decor more fun to do than garment making, or vice versa? What is one home decor project you've always wanted to tackle? 

P.S. Let me not lead you into thinking that I don't like brussel sprouts. Au contraire! Maybe I should have said "grapefruit face" instead; me and that fruit are like Batman and the Joker. :)

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