May 22, 2011

5/22/11: Thoughts on Project Organization and . . . A Doily?

There has been a lot of thread crochet around these parts lately. Such as my Etsy merchandise, the current giveaway, and my previous post on how I store all the balls. Now guess what all this caused. Yep. I am desperately wanting to do more thread crochet. . . Which might be good right now because of the hotter weather. 

But this creates a problem: what about all the other crafty things I need to work on? Ah, it always seems like I am constantly battling that imaginary list of 101 project ideas that looms over my head. And let me tell you, I am out of war tactics. Which project should I be working on now? Which one should I set as my priority? I am at a lost to these questions!

Dixie, from DixieDIY, just posted about this same topic in her latest post. She asks her readers the question: "How do you manage all your projects while still getting everything else in life done?" For her, the need to "finish" is a major part of her personality and so she tries to work with this "quirk", as she says, instead of against it.

And she thought of four distinct ways in how to stay focused and sane:

1. Limit the amount of projects.
2. Schedule projects with set deadlines.
3. Create other projects or activities outside of crafting.
4. Make lists.

I think she hit it spot on with these suggestions and I can see myself using them. Numbering down the amount of current projects will eliminate the anxiety factor, giving projects a set deadline will make me more productive, including activities outside of crafting will be helpful during those times when you want to use the seam ripper on the sewing machine, and making lists will keep me focused and prioritized. 

And what about keeping everything else in life in check? For me, I don't really find it that hard to stop crafting time and go and do something else. It is like a stop watch for me, as soon as you press the button the needles and thread are down. This is probably very helpful in many things, but I do find it hard to get back into the project once I left it! :) 

So for this week I will be constructing a crafting to-do-list for the upcoming months, sort of like the Meal Calendar I form for my family. I find it so useful in cooking, why not crafting, right? 

And now I leave you with some remarks on my thread crochet obsession. Hehe. 

In 2008 I received some doily books as a Christmas gift from a member of Eri's Crocheting Circle. (Thanks again Pam! I was looking through them again today!) And I couldn't pick out which doily I wanted to make which led me to designing my own. I selected the ones that inspired me the most and constructed my own pattern. And that how my St. Catherine's Wheel Doily was created. Here is how it turned out:

I named it St. Catherine's Wheel because the solid and lace aspects of the doily made it look like the hub and spokes of a wheel. And also because I was learning about St. Catherine of Alexandria at the time. 

Since then the doily has been sold and I've been wanting to make another one ever since. So this happened:

And I am very close to being finished. I hope to include this project in my to-do list I will be writing up this week. I know it isn't a "priority" but it would be nice to finally be able to do a tiny bit of thread crochet before I go onto big and complicated things! Aka SEWING!

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