May 8, 2010

5/8/10: Crochet Works

Sunny Spread Squares

On the 17th of April I began working on an afghan that I will sell (perhaps via, and I am finished with 46 of the 64 squares. The pattern, Sunny Spread, was designed by Ellen Gormley and it was featured in the Jan/Feb 2008 issue of Crochet Today. It is turning out to be very addictive! Once I start on one of these squares I can't put down my hook until I fasten off! :D

Sunny Spread Square

Sunny Spread Squares

Sunny Spread Squares


  1. Hello Rebekah! Thanks for all your lovely comments on my blog. The pattern book I use the most is Winifred Aldrich's Metric Pattern Cutting for Women's Wear. I made the sloper, on which I'm currently working, using this book for the most part. I have written a little review on this book and another pattern making book in this post:

    As for your princess seam dress, I don't think I can really help you. I would just try altering the dress by putting it on her (wrong side out) and pinning away at the seams and see if it works. I have never done such an alteration before, so I'm really not so sure about this. But good luck with the dress and don't forget to show us pictures!

  2. I can see why you are hooked on this pattern. Your beautiful photos make me want to pick up my crochet hook and get to work on an afghan of my own. I'm to find some yarn!
