May 4, 2010

5/4/10 : Twist Collective -- An Online Knitting Magazine

Interweave Knits
magazine is one of my favorite knitting periodicals even though I can only grab a couple issues from the library every now and then. Yes, I could subscribe but . . . You know, that price tag always seems to stop me in my tracks!

Back in 2008, I received the Fall 2008 issue as a gift and inside that issue I found a nugget of an article. The article was actually an interview with knitwear designer, Kate Gilbert--one of my all-time favorites. She is the mastermind behind simple sweaters that always seem to become the new 'classic'. Her most famous design (IMHO) is the Cardigan for Arwen, which is pictured below.

So when I was nearing the end of that scrumptious article, I learned that Kate Gilbert and other designers were starting a new online magazine called Twist Collective. So naturally I made a bee line to the website,, and found that the magazine was free for public viewing. You don't need to pay one cent to read it! Gosh! So I gloriously skipped through the magazine trying to stop my jaw from dropping.

You can see why.

The magazine does not give pattern instructions (you have to buy each pattern), but it does include inspirational, informative, and humorous articles--something not every knitting magazine has!

The focus of this magazine is to help the designer. Kate Gilbert and her fellow designers know how knitting magazines can take advantage of them, so I am glad to know there is a magazine like this! :D

Craving for more? There are other online knitting magazine out there, check out,, and Do you know of another one? Comment and share!

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