Mar 28, 2013

3/28/13: I'm Sewing for Victory! -- Part Four

The Sewing for Victory's deadline is almost upon us (April 1st) and I can happily state that my 1949 dress is done. Whew! I made it! I have been keeping tabs on the flickr pool and every time I saw a new finished project, I would start biting my nails. The end was feeling so very close and at times I wasn't sure if I was going to see this thing through. But I did!

I'm not totally finished, however, for there is a need of a photo shoot and that will be taking place either tomorrow or the weekend.

In the meantime, here are a couple teaser photos for those who like to imagine before the big reveal.

Yes, you see pleats! And what's this, buttons that look like polka dots? Yes! I was rummaging through my button stash and as soon as I saw these cute, black shank ones, I knew it was a match made in heaven.

I really, really wish I had more of a chance to show you this dress's construction. As it turns out, I had to go and get a cold a couple weeks ago and that slowed things down considerably. Yes, there were a few short spurts of sewing while sniffling but not much progress was made. No matter, the dress has made it to the finish line and I am very happy on how it turned out. In my next post I'll go into detail on how I sewed this dress up and how I changed the pattern, so be expecting that. I can't wait to show you!

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