Feb 26, 2013

2/26/13: Finished Knit - My Sweet Pea Coat

Never been too fond of bulky yarn sweaters. That was until I started knitting my Sweet Pea Coat. You know, this jacket:

Now I'm a big fan. Especially when wearing my finished Sweet Pea Coat!


I finished it about a week ago but didn't take photos until late afternoon yesterday. The angled sun and the many trees were making quite the shadow show, but my sister (master of the camera), prevailed! :) 

As with many knitting projects I do, I followed the instructions for a size larger than I wanted and used my own gauge which was smaller than the original. I've done this with my Veste Everest vest, Acorns sweater, Liesl sweater, etc. etc. It always seems to work for me and this Sweet Pea Coat was no exception. It fits perfectly and I'm planning on lining it in the near future. I just need to see if I will have any leftover lining after I'm done with the 101 sewing projects I'm doing right now. I feel like I shouldn't tell you all the projects I'm doing. . . It will make your head spin! 

Speaking of sewing, I joined a fascinating sew-along this month and will be talking to you about that in the upcoming days. If you read sewing blogs at all you probably know all about this sew-along already, BUT come back anyway to see what plans I have!

Jump to this Sweet Pea Coat post to learn how to knit the pocket:

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! It looks great. I would love to try and make one too.
