Jan 13, 2013

1/13/13: More Knitterly Plans + Videos

The 2012-2013 winter shall go down in history as the "Winter of Knitting" for that is exactly what I've been doing since the temperature dropped. I've been knitting up a storm since the beginning of December and it doesn't look like it will stop anytime soon.

Finished objects (FO's) so far this season have been the Crenellated Hat for my nephew, the St. Germain Hat for my neice, and this crocheted amigurumi doll for my brother. The knitting that is still in the works are the Sweet Pea Coat for myself, Holi Mitts for myself (started last spring!), the crocheted afghan that uses the African Flower motif (started in May last year), and finally, a design I've been coming up myself. I also have yarn all set for two other projects: the Coesite Hat and these socks.

Whew! I knew there was a lot going on but after writing all of this down I'm thinking I must be crazy. Yeah, really crazy. I'm OK with it, though. This is how I craft and I typically get things to the finish line, especially when the yarn is working well with the pattern. And everything is so far so good!

Crocheting has been particularly enticing as of late. Catherine has been taking "crocheting classes" from yours truly and she's kind of smitten with this whole crochet thing. It is so exciting! It is wonderful to have someone to crochet along with, I tell you, but I am worried about her. Crochet can be one addictive pastime! :)

My Crochet Today magazine came in the mail a couple weeks ago and Kristen Omdahl's Ruby Sweater was featured. It is one striking sweater and Catherine is going to take it on! So we both got onto Knitpicks.com to order Brava Sport for the Ruby Sweater, more yarn for my Sweet Pea Coat, and a few different yarns for a scarf she can practice on. Would you want to see it all? We put together a yarn haul video all about this knitpicks order.

See the Yarn Haul Video - Part 1, here.

[ yarn that will be made into the Ruby Sweater ]
Speaking of yarn, I went to the New Ewe yarn shop on my birthday again this year. I bought yarn for the socks I mentioned before and I bought yarn for Catherine so she can make a scarf for me and a cowl for Bernadette. Catherine blogged all about her upcoming projects here.

We also made a yarn haul video about the yarn shop visit.

See the Yarn Haul Video - Part 2, here.

[ yarn I bought at the shop ]
I really want to talk about the Sweet Pea Coat I am working on so I will be posting about that later this week. I'm also going to reopen the wild world of jean making this week so wish me luck with that! And last but not least, a royal blue A-Line might see its beginning stages soon. It's going to be one crafty January!

So have you finished any knitting project as of late? I would love to hear all about it!

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