Dec 7, 2012

12/7/12: My "Knitterly" Plans and Button Update

First my button update. In my previous post I was asking everyone their thoughts on what buttons I use as replacements on my Acorns sweater. Received a lot of great responses (mainly from, but what it boiled down to is this: I'm going to keep the originals. Funny, I know. When my sisters learned that I was planning on swapping the buttons, they just couldn't see why I would want to do it. "I like those buttons!" they said. So I'm going to just keep them and maybe when I get utterly bored of them, I buy some leaf-themed buttons. Yeah, that sounds good.

So what "knitterly" plans do I have in store? Well, about six of them! I just recently made an order from when they were doing an awesome cyber monday sale. Ever since I started knitting I wanted to order from this company so it was like Christmas morning when the box arrived. I've been so excited about the yarn that I decided to share what I bought and the plans I have in store, via video. So check out my newest video on my channel by going here. Enjoy!

I have all my projects up and at the ready on my Ravelry project page. My rav id is needlestohook.

[ a little sneak peek ]

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