Feb 20, 2012

2/20/12: Pattern Drafting and Making ePatterns with Carla Crim

{ Carla Crim's blog header }

I occasionally visit the Sew, Mama, Sew! website to see what's new and I happened upon their tutorial page yesterday. After skimming through their long, long list of tutorial thumbnails, one caught my eye; it is titled: Making ePatterns. Hmm, now that piqued my interest!

{ snippet from the tutorial }
For literally years I've been wondering how--and with what tools--do independent designers make their ePatterns. I finally found a good source on the subject. Carla Crim, the Scientific Seamstress who also blogs, has pulled together a three part blog series on how she forms her line of children and women sewing patterns. She did a really great job with this tutorial and I urge you to take a look for yourself. I will definitely be adding this link to my favorite tutorial page!

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