Jan 2, 2012

1/2/12: Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012

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Was contemplating this New Year's post for awhile now and thinking to myself that a picture mosaic of all my past crafting projects from 2011 would be in toll. Something like I did last year around this time.

But I am going to shift a little and throw in a few goals for myself. Nah, no yearly resolutions for me, that really isn't my thing. I am, however, going to create objectives to have in the back of my mind throughout 2012. (Doesn't 2012 sound bold and, I don't know, loud? It could just be me!)

Learn  It would be great if I could go into this new year with more of a learning mindset. As I think of  it, there were many times (both in my crafting and day-to-day activities), I thought to myself: I should spend some time to learn that. And as you can very well guess, I didn't get much farther than that train of thought. So setting aside some time to learn something new, learn something again, or try to practice a technique or skill more, would be awesome. What comes to mind right now would be learning how to code in html and css, how to sew pants, how to type fast and use the 10 key pad, and how to knit socks.  

Take it slow and savor the moment  You can see from previous posts that this is no easy task for me, especially when it comes to tasks that I do solo. My day is usually made up of household chores, farm work, cooking, and crafts. I normally start out my task--whatever it may be, with a good pace and calmness. But as soon as I think I am taking a long time in its completion, I begin to work hectically. NOT a good idea. I would much rather see myself working at a steady pace from start to finish and savor the moment. I may not be doing something worth "savoring" but having my full attention on my work would make me very happy.

Be more open  Any little social butterfly present? Please raise your hand! Right around this time my hand drops. :) It sounds like it's time to force myself to be a little more engaging in the big wide world. I foresee many big breaths in my future.

Write more  And I am talking blog writing. Back in May of last year I managed to post every single day for the whole month and what I discovered was a real eye opener. Firstly, I found that I do like this whole blog writing thingy. It kind of grew on me. And secondly, I found that I had a lot of ideas of what I want to share on my blog. I mean a lot. But following the month of May I was restrained by lack of time, lack of incentive, and lack of focus. This year I hope to post more than I have been and not to worry about supplying a post with the "perfect" photo or "perfect" topic. I am just going to post. Just post about the things I'm interested in that day or week, the knitting project I am working on, or the new website I just found. The skies the limits. Because before I always felt like I needed a set plan for my posts. This time I am going to throw caution to the wind.

And I am speaking of this with my Sabbath Supper blog in mind, too. 

So those are the things I hope to accomplish in the next twelve months. I know all of these are within my limits and I am sure I will knock one or two off! 

And a complete change of topic will now ensue. . .

Over the years my family has listened to countless old radio programs from the 30s, 40s, and 50s. One of which is the Jack Benny Program which has a character named Mary Livingston (who happens to have been the real life wife of Jack Benny), who likes to write poems for the show. And I just listened the other day to her 1939 New Year's poem and you will find it below. A good portion of the poem requires Jack Benny jargon but I'm sure you will still find it comical!

Goodbye 1938, Hello 1939

Oh happy new year, happy new year,
Please don't be a sadden blue year.
These last twelve months have been sublime,
so goodbye 38, hello 39.

I wonder who this coming year, (Mary pronounced it like yar to rhyme with the next line)
Will be our favorite movie star.
Will it be Garbo or Sonya Henie?
So goodbye 38, hello 39-ie.

What has this year in store for us?
For thee and thou, thy and thus?
Will Don get fatter, will Phil be gay?
Will Kenny get Knowledge with a capital "K"?

I would like to ask you if I dare,
Will Jack continue to lose his hair?
And when it's gone will it stay away?
Goodbye 38, hello toupee.

Have a blessed New Year!

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