May 26, 2011

5/26/11: Making Stitch Diagrams of Your Own

So stitch diagrams. I was talking about them yesterday and that got me thinking: how could I make them myself? I mean, there are so many benefits when using them in crochet that you got to wonder why I don't use them more often.

So a quick search via google led me to this blog.

The author of the blog demonstrates how you can make stitch diagram symbols (like a ch, sc, dc), and draw your very own diagram using Adobe Illustrator.

I do not own this software (boy, I wish I did!), but I think I still can take the tutorials and use the software I do have on my computer. I downloaded two free, open source programs: GIMP and InkScape. GIMP is a photo editing program and InkScape is for vector images. I think the latter will be the one to use but I need to do some experimenting.

So what do you think of stitch diagrams? Do you find them easier to follow than a written pattern? Would you ever try to make your own?

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