May 13, 2011

5/13/11: Where Has it Gone?

Let me try to explain. . .

Yesterday I wrote a late post around 1 PM and shared with you some of my favorite picks from blogs I read,,, and Etsy. I titled the post "Inspirational Clippings" and it was published. So when evening came I discovered that was out of order and so I couldn't work on my May 13 post.

And now today (May 13) I couldn't get internet access until one in the afternoon. (Could have been caused by our router equipment or our cable provider--not sure.) So I went to check if Blogger is back online (which it is, obvious), and then I visited my blog. Wait a sec. . . Where's my post from yesterday?! "Inspirational Clippings" has totally disappeared.

I looked in my drafts--nothing. I tried searching for the page on Google--nothing.

It was most likely caused by Blogger's problem yesterday and now I have to rewrite May 12's post. Sigh. How frustrating. So bear with me for today and tomorrow--I'll try to get everything running smoothly again. I've been contemplating about moving my blog to WordPress; I might just take that leap after having gone through this!

UPDATE! It is currently 7:14 PM on May 13 and my mysterious "Inspirational Clippings" post has returned--and I had nothing to do with it. :) See it here. I really wonder where it "went off to" earlier today! Anyhoo, I am glad to see it back safe and sound. 

Now on to writing May 13's real post. Hopefully, I can finish it before the sun goes down!


  1. I'm really sorry to hear that, Beck! Just let me know if you want to switch to Wordpress and I'll help you with the transition!

  2. Thanks sis for the offer. I know who to call when I want to make the switch!


  3. I've noticed disappearing posts on a lot of blogs.

    Blogger has been having problems the past couple of days. I stayed up until 2:00 AM the other night and finished two posts. And then I discovered that Blogger couldn't save or post! Luckily I was able to save what I'd written in TextEdit until Blogger was back online.

    Things seem to be working now, but it certainly slowed my attempt to catch up on my post-a-day resolution.
