Apr 16, 2011

4/16/11: An Apology

Oh my, where shall I begin?

Well, on April 15 I posted about how I made a sewing pattern that will be used to add length to my June Wrap dress. I since then deleted this post because as I was sewing this morning, I ran into a major problem caused by a mistake made during the drafting process. Ugh! So I had to bring down my recent post so I wouldn't lead anyone down the wrong road.

This episode really teaches me that I should go through the entire project before posting a how-to. I really thought I had everything pinpointed and accurate, but I was definitely wrong!

I do hope to get a revised edition of my pattern making after I sew everything together. I do apologize for my mistake!

P.S. I thought I should mention here what exactly I have 'up my sleeve' in regards to this dress lengthener of mine. I know some of you probably didn't catch a glimpse of my previous post so I don't want to leave you in the dark any longer! The way I am adding length to my June Wrap without altering the dress itself, is by making a long half slip with a lower panel that will match the dress' polka dot fabric. It will make the dress appear as if it has another layer and by using a similar fabric, it will look like it is one with the dress.

I am calling it a skirt extension, or as commenter Jemajo says, an underskirt. (I think I will stick with underskirt, actually! I like the sound of that term more.)


  1. Don't you just hit rock bottom when that happens? It happens a lot to those of us who share our experiences - good and bad - in the hope that others can learn from them too. I call them "out-takes" and label them as such.
    I hope you haven't deleted the post without saving it somewhere else, because often you learn more from your mistake than you do from a smooth sail.
    The idea of the underskirt really set my imagination buzzing.
    It's still a terrific idea :D

    Blessings and Good Wishes for a Happy Palm Sunday!

  2. Hi Jemajo,

    Your comment has really helped me! I was feeling dispirited about the whole dress series, especially since a good portion of my photos are unusable now. But your encouraging words have motivated me and I am now eager to begin again; thank you very much.

    And don't worry, I did not delete my previous post. It is still on file and I will be pulling it apart and revising it as soon as I do some more sewing.

    Thanks again!

  3. If there is one thing I have learned from all my ripped knitting, it is that every time I reknit, it will be a grade better, and minus a mistake.
    I just wondered why you went to all the trouble of making a new pattern, when the original pattern is in your hands - the dress itself?
    Wouldn't it have been simpler to just find the grain of the skirt, and elongate it?
    Even if it is cut on the bias, the pattern should be easy enough to draft as you have regular polka-dots to mark out the widths etc. for you.
    Please just take these as questions from a "beginner-again-sewer" as I am very curious about the dress. It is so beautiful. I really hope you continue on with it !

  4. Hi Jemajo,

    You're idea of using the actual dress for the pattern is a superb one, and I actually was going to suggest this route during my series of posts. So why did I choose to use a Simplicity sewing pattern to start out with, you ask? It is all because I wanted to toy around with the 'slash and spread' of pattern alteration. This method has always interested me and I wanted to show my readers how to do it--or at least how I do it! :)

    In my fourth and final post for this series, I will mention using the dress as the pattern, so be expecting that.

    Thanks for bringing this up!

