Mar 15, 2011

3/15/11: On What is to Come

You might have noticed that I changed one of my buttons below my blog header. I changed "Etc." to "Tutorials" in preparation of creating some more sewing and knitting tutorials. As you probably know, I am a big fan of online tutorials and as I am quickly discovering, I like to make them myself! :) So far I've done one on threading a needle and another on creating and inserting an inseam pocket. I have a long list of other topics I want to cover--especially those sewing questions I had when starting out--so be expecting them soon!

You also might have noticed that all of the buttons direct you to multiple posts except for "Watercolor." I have dabbled in watercolor a few times but haven't yet posted about my work. In all honesty, watercolor for me is one of the hardest things to get motivated about. From past experiences in many things I do, I've come to realize that it is difficult for me to branch out and do things outside a set of "rules." In watercolor, there is an explicit need to act quickly, precisely, and try to do it your way. There is no one set of instructions to follow--like the step-by-step instructions you find in knitting and sewing--so I get. . . Nervous from all things!

I perfectly realize that this nervousness will subside if I practice. I remember painting and re-painting a red tulip a few years ago and now I have no problem whatsoever in reproducing it. It actually turned into my favorite flower to paint and is one of the few subjects I enjoy painting. So it goes to show that practice is the key.

In conclusion, I think it would be a good idea to take out my paints and brushes ASAP. I've been constantly sewing and knitting and now I think I am in need of something different and out of the ordinary. I need to do something without following instructions to the T, and watercolor is a great way to do this.

So be expecting some sewing/knitting tutorials along with my first post about watercolor painting!

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