Jun 12, 2010

6/12/10: Fresh from the Moda Bake Shop -- Quilted Recipe Binder


Long time, no post. Oh, don't be misled into thinking that I have nothing to post about. On the contrary, I have a multitude of projects to upload to the blog but I can't seem to find time. I've looked high and low, too! This is a real shame because my sister Catherine, my blog's photographer, has all the necessary photos ready and waiting.

So the first project I am bringing is a quilted recipe binder cover
(whew, say that 3 x fast), I did for my step mom, Annemarie. Now, I could have gone, got her binder, write down a few measurements, and come up with a terrific pattern, but I chickened out and typed "quilted binder cover" into Google. :D The instructions I found from the Moda Bake Shop looked superb so I went with it. I am sure glad I did because they gave me some "inside information" which probably couldn't penetrate my noggin unless it was written down in black and white. Such as, I should have the background fabric 3" wider and longer than the binder because it will shrink when quilted. Genius, huh?

The Moda Bake Shop is one cute site by the way!

I followed the project instructions closely and was real happy with the way it was presented and executed; it was done in a recipe format, you see. See my other blog to learn why recipes are the way to go!

So this is what Moda Bake Shop made:

And this is what I made:


The background fabric is actually a scrap from an old dress and I machine quilted around the dogwood blossoms. I haven't done much machine quilting before so this was a great practice piece!


In the photo below you can see some fun stitching I did to see what my darning foot can do. I made long swerving lines of stitches to mimic leaves and right on top of these swerving lines, I made a line of tiny flower blossoms.


And we most not forget the bright and vibrant patchwork!


And I was a good quilter and did my binding stitches by hand. 0:)


Final shots of the binder for those who love to see the whole picture.



Like most little projects, this one was fun to do. I made it in about two days and it was a nice vacation from crocheting!

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